the freedom for women to abort is neither
angelic nor evil
In June 2022 the U.S. Supreme Court confirmed a scoop that it was repealing the landmark
Roe v. Wade ruling. The decision made,
or will soon make, abortion illegal across
26 states of America.
Several other states have abortion restrictions
that were in place before 1973
that may now be enforced.
Demons :
Acryl on cardboard
There are people who advocate abortion. And others
who believe it’s Devil’s work. The artist believes that
abortion cannot be cast out by our knowledge that
abortion is evil or angelic, but by the conviction that
life is sacred and every woman should have
the right to decide to abort. Déjà vu is about looking
back at the 80’s where demonstrations for
legal abortion were held in Amsterdam.
In June 2022 a solidarity demonstration was
held in Amsterdam after news that the
United States may abolish its
federal abortion law 40 years after legislation
in Europe.
Acryl on cardboard