And nature. And you three. And the sky and the fire.
And the earth and nature. And the sea. And the sea.
And the blood and sweat. And the sadness and the tears.
And the tears.
For what hurt. And the tears. For what slipped away.
And the people. And the freedom. And the sun.
The moon and the reflection. And the stars.
Who still dance and the wine. And the wine.
And the people. And the people.
And the people who are no more.
And the dreaming and the smile.
The unexpected smile from the side.
From the other. From that one. From him. From him. he.
For today. For the future. For the future and nearby.
For you. For everything. For both. For both.
But for everything. For all.
Especially you. Especially you.
Made 4 M.
Sold to private collector
Acryl on Wood 1.4x1.5 2022